Plans for the Site

June 2016 - Corners of property were marked with concrete pillars and land survey was completed.

February 2017 - We had a team visiting to minister to the villages and they also visited the site of Akigyeno.

May 2017 - visit to Karamoja to deliver school supplies to sponsored students and check on Akigyeno.  It has been raining so the trail to get there is muddy and causing the trucks to get stuck.  The big hole is going to be the pit latrines.  There will be 12 stalls total for teachers and students to use.  They have dug the trenches for the foundation of the classroom building.  They are going to start on it this week.  The guys also went to see where they are storing the the supplies inside the village to keep them safe.

End of May 2017 - Becky went to check on the progress of construction and meet with the contractor.  Building in Karamoja is not easy.  The ground is dry and brittle.  So they have to dig deep trenches about 3-4 feet or so.  They put steel bars and concrete at the bottom then start building up from there with bricks.  You can see how deep it is in the picture with me standing in the trench.  The latrine tank is complete and now waiting for foundation of it so that the hole will be closed.

June 2017 - Update from contractor - Foundation of the classroom block is complete.  Construction has stopped while we await funds to begin building the walls and to complete the foundation of the latrines.

September 2017 - The walls have gone up!

October 2017 - Walls have gone up and the ring beam installed.

November 2017 - The roof of the classrooms has begun.

November 2017 - Latrine building is taking shape.  Has the roof and walls.  There are 14 stalls for the teachers and children to use as restrooms.

December 2017 - Classroom/office building has a completed roof!!

January 2018 - We've seen quite a bit of progress this month.  The plastering of the walls has begun and the white stuff on the walls is lime that they use to smooth the walls prior to painting. The window/shutters have also been installed.  The team came at the end of January and were able to hold a church service in the classroom!  Praise God!!

March 2018 - We're almost there!  We have paint on the walls!

May 28, 2018 - OPENING DAY!!!  

February 2019 - Completion of the Multi-Purpose Hall. This building has a large storage room which is being used for a classroom as well as the main hall being used as another classroom until there are funds to build another classroom building.