Have you been called to serve the Lord in Uganda?
And He said to them "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 (NKJV)
That is the command from Jesus. Go into all the world. There are some who are called to serve in their hometowns, some called to serve in their state, some called to serve in their home country and there are some who are called to serve in foreign lands. The Lord has commanded us to go into all the world. The entire world needs to hear the Good News! For the few who are called into foreign lands like Uganda you will be forever changed.
Ezekiel 37 Ministry has several areas of focus:
Health & Hygiene
The work of Ezekiel 37 Ministry is focused in the region of Karamoja, Uganda. Karamoja is in the northeast area of Uganda. The villages we will do outreach in will be surrounding Matany town. The area is a remote area with limited access to most modern conveniences.
Ezekiel 37 Ministry has followed God’s calling to build Akigyeno Nursery & Primary School. We will spend time with the students of the school ministering to them, bible studies, playing, etc. The children are ages 3-15.
A main portion of our time in the villages is spent doing evangelism, sharing the Gospel and spreading the love of Christ. The people of Karamoja are mostly illiterate so they have to be TOLD the Good News.
We would love to have have a physician or medical professionals join us that would be willing to lead medical clinics. If not, we can do teaching in the villages about prevention of illnesses through personal hygiene, cooking the water before using it, cooking food thoroughly, etc.
We currently have 41 students sponsored through our Ezekiel 37 sponsorship program. If the children are out of school we try to do a one day retreat with them. Sharing the Gospel with them, playing games, singing songs, maybe craft projects, the options are endless.
We don't sugar coat things...these trips are not easy. Africa is a HOT place and there is no air conditioning or fans. There is not hot water heaters. There are not smooth roads. There is no steak, pizza or hamburgers. You have to consider and pray about these things as well. We do not know your physical abilities so you must search within yourself and make sure you believe you can handle it. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have and we can discuss.
We have recorded a 22 minute long introduction to our mission trips video if you would like to watch it, please click on the button below. You can review the information by clicking on each of the documents below and once you've taken time to discern whether a trip to Uganda is what God wants you to do, please complete the Team Member Profile and return it to us. Please feel free contact us at info@ezekiel37ministry.org for any questions.
January 2025 Trip Dates - TBD but likely last week of January into first week of February
Click on each title to open the document.
Fundraising Deadlines – These are not hard set dates but more of a guide for fundraising goals.
October 15 - Submit the Team Member Profile with copy of passport and $500 deposit. Non-binding sign up (you can withdraw up to the date of ticket purchase without any financial loss.)
November 1 - Initial funding deadline - Balance of plane ticket cost. Plane tickets to be purchased within days of this date. Once plane ticket is purchased no refunds will be made.
December 1 - 2nd funding deadline, $1,000.
January 1 - 3rd funding deadline, $500.

Here are some stories from team members...
“ My first trip to Uganda was during one of the hardest times in my life. I was going through a divorce and all I wanted was to go where God wanted me to go. I had no idea the impact it would make in me as a person. Nothing can prepare you for an international mission trip to a third world country if you were raised in America. So many things go through your mind before, during, and after. It’s impossible to wrap your mind around it except to know you are forever changed.
For me, the quickest and biggest realization I had, especially in the emotional state I was in, was that people are people wherever you go. Our situations, circumstances, and opportunities may be different but our hearts and feelings are the same all over the world. We all long for love, acceptance, and hope. God allows us to be Jesus’ hands and feet in many different ways. Sometimes it may be a smile or holding a child. It may be providing clothes or food. It may be handing out medicine or sitting by someone who is sick. God doesn’t call the equipped. He asks all of us to go into all the world and make disciples. God loves every person in this world! I truly believe if you make yourself available to God, He will open doors and bless you in ways you never knew existed.
In saying all that, the people in Karamoja, Uganda know nothing outside of their own surroundings and what they’ve been told. They walk for their water everyday and have nothing but their natural surroundings for food depending on rain. They have only been wearing clothes for about 60 years. We can waste time blaming their government, that’s the pot calling the kettle black, or we can surrender our agenda to God and act selflessly on His behalf to care for His children all over the world.”
“My first time visiting Karamoja felt like I had landed on another planet. People in Karamoja live without running water, electricity, showers and many, many other things that I thought vital for survival. They were definitely a people in need but not of our fancy western necessities but of wells for water, medical attention and education. My eyes were open to a beautiful and strong community that had fought to keep their people alive. After my first trip to Karamoja my heart was on fire for those who lived in poverty. Most of the people in the states have never made contact with people who live with so little. This passion continued me on a course to become a missionary and a voice for those in need. This passion led me to my husband who has the same heart for the nation and those in need as I do. My husband and I have made trips out to Karamoja together to serve the community and we now also sponsor a young boy so he can attend school. We believe in Karamoja and in the wonderful work that Ezekiel 37 Ministry does with this community. Who would have known that 6 years ago one short visit to a community I had never heard of before would change my life forever.”
“More testimonials coming soon!”